From Ragamuffin to Riches

I have spent a decade researching the subject of success and personal growth, as well as building my own creative businesses. I have lived most of my life as a rebel, believing I had all of the answers, and after many years of financial distress and devastation, I finally came to the conclusion that the proof is in the pudding, and it was time for me to listen to those who not only talk the talk, but have walked the walk. 

I can't guarantee this retreat/workshop will set you on a path to financial freedom. But I can promise to light a fire in your heart, fill your mind with inspiration, and give you a theoretical kick in the butt. 

I have streamlined the advice of many sages, and will share the formula for kickstarting a bright future in a way that creatives can understand and appreciate. I am not the suit and tie, corporate CEO. I am a wife, a mom, an artist, and writer. I have applied the wisdom of experts, and mingled it with my own deep faith and creative spirit to find an incredible flow of growth in every area of my life. 

I believe everyone has the power and potential to do better, be better, experience better. We just have to learn better and apply it. 

We will be creating a vision board as part of our time together. Not just any vision board of course! It will be a work of art you will be proud to have on display. Our life is a work of art. The imperfect layers only add to the overall beauty. The past has no power over us. Today is our day. Let's begin.